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Emeritus Professor Lawrence Gahan


  • Club/association Details
  • Role(s): Fellow
    Level: Full
    Status: Active
  • Bio/Profile
  • Former Employer:        The School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
                                          The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia 4072
    Qualifications:               PhD Chemistry, La Trobe University, 1976.
                  BSc (Hons) (First Class), La Trobe University, 1972.
    Professional Memberships: Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1992 (40-year member)
                          Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, Charted Chemist 1997
           Academic positions held:  
    Emeritus Professor: School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences UQ, (2015-present).
    Deputy Associate Dean, Academic: Faculty of Science UQ (approx.: 2010-2014).
    Professor: School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences UQ (2009–2015).
    Head: Department of Chemistry, UQ (2001–2003/4).
    Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry UQ (1996–2008).
    Senior Lecturer: Department of Chemistry UQ (1989–1995).
    Lecturer: Chemistry Department UQ (1984-1988).
    Senior Tutor: Chemistry Department, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia 1983
    Postdoctoral Fellow: Research School of Chemistry, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia 1978 – 1982
    Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Chemistry, The University of Exeter, Exeter, UK 1977
    Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Chemistry, Clarkson College (now Clarkson University) Potsdam, NY, USA 1976
    Teaching Awards (UQ):
    1992       Esso Teaching Award, First Year Engineering Students
    2008       Deans Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
    2009       Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award
    2009       University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award
    2010       Australian Teaching and Learning Council (ALTC) Citation
    External Appointment:
    External Examiner, Department of Chemistry, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Negara Brunei Darussalam, 2003-2004.
    Professional Recognition:
    Max O’Connor Memorial Lecturer, La Trobe University, May 2003
    Committee Memberships:
    (i) AINSE Biomedical Sciences Committee, Member (within the period 2000-2010; 2021- present).  This role involves 3-4 meetings per year (currently by Zoom) and includes assessment of applications for AINSE Postgraduate and Honours Awards, proposals for access to ANSTO facilities and AINSE Gold Medal applications.  
    (ii) Faculty of Science, (UQ) ARC and NHMRC Grant Reader (2016-present), the role here is to critically assess proposals (in all science disciple areas) prior to them being submitted.
    (iii) Member Royal Australian Chemical Institute Member Accreditation Committee (MAC) (2022-present). 
    (iv) Chair and/or Member, PhD confirmation committees (UQ).
    (v) PhD Thesis examiner, internal and external.
    (vi) Member/Chair of The University of Queensland Disciplinary Board, 2004-2014 (Chair 2011-2014).
    Research Interests: Coordination/Bioinorganic Chemistry; Computational Chemistry (since retirement)
    Research/Teaching Grants (1986-2014): 29 ARC (DP, LIEF); 1 NHMRC; US Office of Naval Research; ANSTO; UQ and National Teaching Enhancement Grants
    PhD Supervision: 14 PhD students to completion; 5 Master’s Students to completion; 31 Honours students.
    Publication Record:  196 Publications; h-index 43