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Emeritus Prof. Alan Lawson


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  • Bio/Profile
  • Emeritus Professor Alan Lawson’s career at the University of Queensland included periods as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research & International), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Dean, UQ Graduate School, and chair of the Australian Council of Deans & Directors of Graduate Studies. He was the principal inventor of the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®), 2008.

    Prior to those roles, Professor Lawson was an active teacher and researcher in the fields of post-colonial theory and critical practice, specialising in ‘settler’ cultures; literary and cultural institutions, and Australian fiction and Canadian fiction. He has published, inter alia, on Patrick White, Frank Moorhouse, Barbara Baynton, Henry Lawson, and George Johnston.  With Ken Goodwin, he co-edited The Macmillan Anthology of Australian Literature. He has been an Editorial Board member of twelve academic and creative journals, and a member of the judging panels of several literary awards. From 2017 until 2023, he  was a member of the Judging Panel (Chair 2021-23) for the annual Margaret & Colin Roderick Literary Award sponsored by the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies at James Cook University of North Queensland.

    He has held governance positions with Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation, Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility, National Centre of Excellence for Desalination, International Water Centre, Australian African Universities Network, Australian Studies Centre, Centre for the History of European Discourse.

    In 2017, he was appointed as a member of the Australian Research Integrity Committee (Australian Research Council/National Health and Medical Research Council) and has been its Deputy Chair sonce 2023. From 2014 until 2022, he  was a Consultant on Research Quality and Research Integrity, providing advice on research quality strategies and research integrity matters (including Research Misconduct Investigations) to Australian (and some SE Asian/Pacific) universities.