Food for Thought, June 12th 2023

Type of post: News item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Frederick D'Agostino
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 12 Jun 2023
Because it is of potentially wide interest, I'm going to start today with Honorary Fellow Murray Hancock, who has developed a website, Queensland Talks, which is a calendar of ideas-based talks and discussion events and a growing ecosystem of curious citizens, speakers and event organisers. 

Alexandra Aikenvald has recently released a book Celebrating Indigenous Voice. 

Thomas Suddendorf recently had an opportunity to present books, including The Invention of Tomorrow, to the Dali Lama.

How can you tell someone you don't want them to hold your baby? Alina Morawska has some tips for negotiating this tricky situation.

Paul Griffin makes some useful observations about the use of natural therapeutics in treating viral illness. 

Jean Burgess and Shazia Sadiq afre co-authors of the recent rapid response report to the Commonwealth Chief Scientist on Generative Artificial Intellgence.

Fabienne Mackay's leadership of G-Gen Cell Therapeutics is profiled.

John Quiggin assesses productivity in relation to the four-day work week.

Lidia Morawska has been named one of five global L'Oreal Laureates.

Katharine Gelber discusses the proposal to ban Nazi symbols.

Fred D'Agostino
Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences